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How to translate a book: all key professional process.

When you want to read a look with other language which you cant undrstand what the book tells and you dont want to translate the book yourself.

First of all, should divided the books related to translation into five categories, namely: teaching materials, masters pieces, appreciation , examination and technology .

Teaching materials:

Mainly refers to books used for teaching undergraduates and graduate students in colleges and universities, and some are also reference books for postgraduate entrance examinations. The authors of such books are basically university teachers, and the first edition was released relatively early.

The main characteristics of this type of book are "can't read it", "can't read it", "so difficult"

The main reason is that students and teachers are not at the same level, and our vocabulary and syntax reserves are not enough to cope with the knowledge system in textbooks.


Masters pieces:

This kind of books can actually be divided into two sub-categories, one is the teaching materials compiled by the master, and the other is the translation insights of the master.

Translating textbooks is quite popular.

The other category is the translation insights of the masters, which is not suitable for students who want to learn translation skills, but it is very suitable for those who have a passion for translation, and can understand the life of the masters in translation.



Mainly some literary works, poems, prose and novels translated by masters or famous teachers.



There is nothing wrong with providing translations and translation methods that students can think of within the scope of students' ability.

Most students want to pass the exam in an easy and acceptable way, not to get a perfect score. Therefore, instead of giving them a perfect translation, it is better to give them a qualified translation and let them know how to write such a translation.

Professional translators can certainly provide better translations, but students cannot.



It mainly includes translation technology and project management, etc., and is more suitable for professional translators.


The above is the summary of translation-related books, for reference only.


YGYM Translation Service Co.,Ltd. Founded on February 27, 2003, YGYM has been deeply engaged in the field of translation services for many years and has a nationwide presence, setting up 20 branches one after another. Now it has formed a model with Hong Kong, Singapore, Hungary, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen as marketing centers, and Fuzhou, Wuhan, Jinan, Nanchang, Chengdu and Xi'an as translation and training bases, with service areas allover the mainland of China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, North America, etc.

More than 200 full-time employees

More than 10,000 domestic expert translators 

More than 5,000 foreign translators

Daily words processing capacity reaching 800,000

Over 2 billion words processing experience

More than 50 fields

More than 70 languages

Steady revenue growth for many years, achieving high-quality development

More than 50,000 corporate clients

More than 1,000 core clients

More than 3 billion words translated and more than 60,000 hours of interpretation services 

Hosted and co-organized more than 30 language events and activities 

Participated in more than 30 national translation projects

Provided language services for over 200 large-scale conferences

Established industry-university-research partnerships with over 500 universities

Sales volume of published translations and textbooks has exceeded 1 million copies in total



If you need such book translation, don't hesitate to contact us for help,Email: sales@ygym.org , Phone number008613260673297(Wechat,Whatsapp) , Website: www.ygymgroup.com

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