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How to get your book translated?

Whether youre an author or doing some business for publication, translating your book is a great way to increase your sales and reach new audiences across the globe.

Book translation is a professional service that translate and adapt books from one language to a new one. It requires both deep knowledge of the languages and the culture involved.  Translating a book also requires time for inspiration and investigation, as it is a special type of translation process, different from processes one may use for non-literary translation.

Book translation plays a significant role in educating people, shaping cultures, and spreading ideas and insights all over the world. So how to choose a book translation service really makes a difference.

There are several factors that may effect, such as price, delivery, quality etc.. For we YGYM, can provide the rate even lower than the freelancer. Because our translators come from mostly famous university, they need to appraisal their titles by the ways like translating the books and publication, they can charge lower while providing with high-quality translation, which will be more like a win-win solution.

Not only the book translation service cost that should determine the decision of choosing translation company but also other metrics to put in mind. For example, the quality that one company may provide. To guarantee a higher quality for your book translation projects, you need to search for translation companies that follow high standards of translation industry regulations like the ISO Certifications. These certifications are the international standard that defines certain requirements for quality assurance of translation services. So always go for ISO 17100 and ISO 9001 certified LSPs. There are all well equipped by YGYM. And below is the partial display of our cases.


Our book translation services combine unparalleled quality with confidentiality and competitive pricing. Should you have any needs or inquires, pls feel free to contact us by Mobile/Wechat/Whatsapp: +86 18627150996; email:sales@ygym.org.

 Prev : What is medical translation? Why is it important?
 Next : How to translate a book: all key professional process.

