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What is medical translation? Why is it important?

As what we talked before, translation can be divided into various industries. Last post, we introduced legal translation. Today lets talk about medical translation in details.

Medical translation is the practice of translating various documentstraining materials, medical bulletins, drug data sheets, etc.for health care, medical devices, marketing, or for clinical, regulatory, and technical documentation. 

And there are Top 5 Most Important Medical Translation Categories:

1. Patient Records Translation

2. Medical Equipment Manuals Translation

3. Translation of Medical Research Papers

4. Pharmaceutical Translation

5. Localization of Medical Software/Applications

Medical translation requires highly technical and delicate medical knowledge because words that we use commonly and daily may mean something very different in a medical text.

Lots of abbreviations and medical specific terms are used. Thus, the translator needs to know the terminology that is required. Before beginning to translate it’s a better idea to do some medical literature review.

Why is it so important?

Medical translation plays a vital part in helping healthcare professionals provide necessary treatment to their patients who speak another language. Doctors and pharmacists need translation to review the medical histories of their foreign patients so that they can give them accurate advice and therapy. Patients also need to fully understand their health condition and how the treatment will be processed. Therefore, having the document translated accurately and timely is very important. Besides, most countries in the world require that the literature and labeling associated with medical devices and pharmaceuticals be translated into the national language.

Our Medical Translation Services

Offering a wide range of translation services for any medical and pharmaceuticals from small and medium sized, to larger international enterprises. And we YGYM have our own solution for medical translation, which can highly responsive to customer needs and has therefore served  lots of clients in the world.

Hope you can get useful information from above. Should you have any needs or inquires, pls feel free to contact us by Mobile/Wechat/Whatsapp: +86 18627150996;email:sales@ygym.org.


 Prev : YGYM translation service in Singapore
 Next : How to get your book translated?

