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Machine translation or Human translation?which one is your best choice.

When we got some files on hand which need to be translated to another language for communication and comprehension by different reader who may speak another language, few questions will come up from our mind continuously. Should we translate the file by translator or machine? And how the quality will be,how much will cost.


Let me help you to make the right decision as a linguist.


First we need to know what machine translation is. Its software automatically translates your content (usually using some kind of machine learning-based model).


Second we need to know advantage and disadvantage of translation machine.

Please acknowledge advantages below,

1. Many translation system products, tools and applications are readily available and often freely offered to use.

2.Machine translation has a short delivery time.

3.Machine translate can translate different languages.


Please also knowing disadvantages below.

1.Meaning accuracy of has always been a shortcoming of machine translation, and there is great inconsistency between different languages.

2.Machine translation can’t translate natural language in context, even with advanced information network or tool.

3. Little and tiny mistakes can cause to major financial losses.


Thirdly, comparing with Machine translation, Human translation is more accurate, also takes longer and costs more. But the benefits of this investment outweighs the potential cost of machine translation's pitfalls, we also have to know both sides of human translation.


Please note advantages of human translation below,

1.Professional and highly skilled human translators guarantee the highest accuracy at all times

Humans can interpret the context of natural language, translating the meaning of the idea, rather than just translating word-to-word as is done in MT.

2.Human translation services have a quality assurance process.

3.Professional translators understand the creative meaning of language in puns and metaphors, as well as customary differences between languages and cultures.

4.If literal translation is not possible, professional translators will find the most proper alternative translation solution.



Obviously,human translation also has some disadvantages

1.Longer delivery time.

2.Professional translators have to be paid for translation.


Finally,if you are translating something that will never be understood by the end reader or user (translating external sources as part of project research), using machine translation is perfectly acceptable. You can also use the machine translated file to process some MTPE (machine translation + post-translation editing) content, in which human translators will revise the translation during the editing stage.


However, if accuracy is critical to your files, it is reliable to forbid machine translation tools and systems and choose professional human translators instead. If some people are going to buy and read your translated files, human translation service is the only way to ensure an high accuracy and professional translation.


So,Human translation services by experienced and competent linguists are always indispensable, especially when it comes to content intended for official and formal purposes, and this is what we(YGYM translation) offer to customers.


YGYM translation is the most professional and biggest translation group in China,with 15000 transaltors around the world. obtained various ISO certificates to ensure translation quality and information safety. It has established two decades,specialized in website localization of financing and banking from the beginning. so please dont hesitate contacting me for such inquiries by email:sales@ygym.org. or phone call 008613260673297.

 Prev : Still on the fence for your Birth/Marriage/Driving/Graduation etc., certificate
 Next : Different Types of Translation You Should Know

