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The origin of International Labor Day and customs around the world

International Labor Day, also known as May Day, was born in July 1889. It has gone through decades of struggle from being proposed to being finalized.


International Labor Day is the result of the struggle of the working class. As capitalism entered the monopoly stage, workers were forced to perform a large amount of labor every day. In order to safeguard their rights, the workers decided to fight. In 1886, 350,000 workers in Chicago and other cities in the United States held general strikes and demonstrations, demanding the implementation of an eight-hour work system and improvement of working conditions. The U.S. authorities, under pressure from international public opinion and society, announced the implementation of an eight-hour work system. To commemorate this struggle, in July 1889, the Second Internationals Congress in Paris established May 1st as International Labor Day.


Labor Day customs in various countries around the world

In China, very Labor Day, the party and government commend workers who have made outstanding contributions. For many people, International Labor Day is also a good time to travel.


Labor Day originated in the United States. But what is special is that when the U.S. government later established Labor Day, it voluntarily designated the first Monday in September as Labor Day. Every September on Labor Day, Americans have a day off. People across the United States usually hold parades, rallies and other celebrations to show respect for workers.


There are many holidays in Japan around May 1st. When the May holidays are combined, the average Japanese has at least one week of rest, and the longest can even last for 11 days. Therefore, in Japan, the special celebration of Labor Day is increasingly replaced by the "May Day Golden Week".


Canada, like the United States, celebrates Labor Day on the first Monday of September each year. In cities such as Ottawa and Toronto, parades and rallies are held every Labor Day to recognize the contributions of workers organized by unions to Canadian society.


Thailand promulgated labor regulations for the first time in 1932, and subsequently designated May 1st as the national Labor Day to reward hard-working workers. On this day, Thailand has a national holiday.

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